Marine Reserve MSC OCEAN CAY - a paradise in the Caribbean

Marine Reserve MSC OCEAN CAY - a paradise in the Caribbean

Marine Reserve MSC OCEAN CAY - a paradise in the Caribbean
23 Mar 2020

MSC Cruises plans to create the most exclusive island experience in the Bahamas

Close your eyes for a second and think about the perfect island in the Caribbean. What do you see? What’s the air like? The food...? The sounds…? The people...? The sea...? Are there places to relax, secluded beaches and uncontaminated nature to discover?
If this is how you imagine paradise, then we’re seeing the same thing, which is why MSC Cruises has just signed a 100-year lease agreement and have invested USD 200 million to create a magnificent extension of our shipboard experiences - an unprecedented exclusive marine reserve to be called Ocean Cay MSC Marine Reserve in the Bahamas for our Caribbean Cruise guests.
Over the next two years MSC Cruises will work hand-in-hand with the Bahamian Government and ecologists to develop this new Cay, a onetime sand extraction station, into a thriving marine reserve that will harmoniously coexist with the local ecosystem.
The island lies 32 km (20 miles) south of Bimini and just 104.5 km (65 miles) east of Miami, Florida, and will offer some of the finest beaches in the world amid an array of Caribbean-inspired experiences and will be fully sympathetic to the culture and traditions of the Bahamas.
As well as being the only marine reserve island experience, at 38.5-hectares (95-acres) in size, and with 3.5 km11 (,400 feet) of pristine beach front spread across six distinct beaches, Ocean Cay MSC Marine Reserve will be – by a large margin – the biggest island development by any cruise company in the Caribbean.
With its purpose-built berth and pier right on the seafront, you’ll be able to step off your ship straight onto the island, live music and entertainment will be nonstop in the new 2,000-seat amphitheatre, and exquisite local delicacies at the many restaurants and bars.
During the day, you’ll have access to a vast array of water sports and beach games, restaurant, play areas and other useful facilities, a charming inland lagoon for absolute tranquillity and also a thrilling zip ride across the island for those moments when you want to try new exciting activities!
And for MSC Yacht Club guests, the northwest corner of the island has been set aside as an exclusive spa and wellness sanctuary, with private bungalows and massage huts.
This is not just any island in just any paradise. This is Ocean Cay MSC Marine Reserve.

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